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  2. Use points to feature indie projects in feed below and other Indie Questing social media
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Hi guys!! Is Friday finally πŸ˜€
I hope everyone a happy #followfriday and a really great weekend!!
Here I leave some people to follow


Do you like helping out small indiegames to improve and promote one another all together in August? Please consider joining our up coming #FeedbackQuest 7 game jam.

Let's make a splash!
Check below to joinπŸ‘‡
@IndieQuesting @feedbackquest

Hey all!

Happy #followfriday

- Follow someone new!
- Like and follow us if you want to know more about our #2D #topdown #residentevil style cross #darkwood game.

A new scene for our guest house with no power. Cheers!
#OC #indiedev #indiequest

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