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Happy #FollowFriday !

- Follow someone new
- Like and share their awesome stuff
- It's the week-end, enjoy your time off!

#indiedev #gamedev #HS #OC #indiegame #devlog #Gaming #horrorgame #indiequest #darkwood

Today's Potatostrike progress report:

1) Finished testing all the new enemies that appear in Mission 2. They should make things more interesting.
2) Began constructing Mission 2. The first iteration of the first half is done, including the bossfight.

#indiegames #indiequest

Hi guys!! Happy #followfriday!! I hope than everyone had a great Easter and I hope everyone have a great weekend and a great day ๐Ÿ˜€
Here I leave some people to follow


We're glad to have Little Inner Monsters in the #TurnBasedThursdayFest!
The event includes a Steam sale featuring turn-based games of all kinds and runs from April 4 to 8.
Little Inner Monsters is a card game about the feelings we deal with day-to-day.

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